DKK Legal Counsel Office

Our Law Firm provides services both to individual clients and entrepreneurs ensured them proper and comprehensive legal support. We guarantee comprehensive and innovative solutions that suit individual needs and expectations. Our previous experience and course of activity made us look at the analyzed issue not only through binding detailed regulations but also through the goals of the business. First of all we define business aim and then develop the strategy taking into account legal capabilities.

While providing specific solutions, we are close to our client, his or her problems and needs. We treat each case individually, and keep our clients informed about the accurate state of art.

Our strengths are flexibility, reliability and providing clear communication even while describing the most complicated legal case.

Among wide range of legal services, Our Law Firm in order to executed projects specializes in such issues as intellectual property, e-commerce and corporate law.

To provide complete legal service, we cooperate with other legal counsels, advocates, notaries and legal counsel trainees. Among independent consultants there are also patent agents, tax advisers and statutory auditors.

We provide legal services at convenient for our Clients hours.

Do not hesitate to contact us.

Katarzyna Chachlowska
Legal Counsel